

Hello! It really has been some time.

I know there have been breaks between my posts, but this last time was pretty bad. I know that. A lot has happened since July of 2015, and I wanted to give you a quick catch up.

One for Sorrow has been released.

Halloween of 2016 saw the release of a new series called the Murder of Crows. One for Sorrow had been a labor of love for me. Oh! And it even won an award! It won in the paranormal romance category of the Chesapeake Romance Writers’ Rudy Award. I submitted it to a publisher, got rejected, and then released it myself. So, right now I’m working on the follow-up to One for Sorrow, Two for Joy. And while I’ve had to deal with more setbacks than I really want to think about, I know everything will work out in the end.

Yet another project to work on…

As many who know me realize, I keep quite a few plates in the air. I’m working on Two for Joy, I announced on my Facebook that I was putting Maxwell Investigations on hold since I finished out that arch. I’m also working on three OTHER pieces that may or may not see the light of day. Along with a few more projects that really all I have to do is find the right flash drive and add them in. LOL.

I’ve started a newsletter and a street team. You can find the Rum Runners on Facebook and I’ve added a link below to my sign up page. I try to send out something once a month, but again, there are times when all’s quiet around me, so I don’t say anything.

And now I’m getting to the part where the title of this post actually makes sense.

When I put out Dangerous Dalliances, I wasn’t in a good place. Not mentally. There were a lot of things that were going on in my personal life and I spent way too much time trying to rebound from that. But after the smoke cleared, and with a lot of help from my besties, I dusted myself off, stood up, and put out my book.

After winning the Rudy, I started to realize something that I used to tell people. Nothing was going to change in my life until I change it. Since then, I’ve joined RWA and the MRW. I’ve met men and women that I’ve looked up to and admired. I was starting to feel like I was heading in the right direction.

Don’t get me wrong, I still have MILES to go before I get to where I want to be as an author. But right now I’ve been using the hashtag #littlegoalscounttoo. It’s just something to remind myself that it was the turtle that won the race.

That’s about all I’ve been up to. If you want to drop a note, feel free. I enjoy interacting with everyone.
