So This is Christmas…



Hi everyone!!!!

I really thought I would have had more to say this December, but alas, I didn’t. Not really. There were a lot of things going on around the house that I’m not going to put out into cyberspace. But there were just as many fun ones.

My daughter and I are going to gear up for New Years. She wanted to spend Christmas with her father, so she and I won’t have that day together, but there will be others. Depending on other things in my life I’ll spend the day either in my car, or typing away at Love’s Darkness.

I’m going to have a quiet holiday either way. Then next year it’s in full professional author mode (Whatever that is)… I’m going to focus on getting Maxwell Investigations out more and more. And with Love’s Darkness on the horizon, I’m going to have my hands full.

So I wanted to take this time and tell all of you to have a very Merry Christmas!!! I thoughts are always with you all!!!

See You Next Year!!!!
Dawn 🙂